Fur care (Fellpflege)
Treatment using effective micro-organisms 4 Testimonials- Ready for shipping, Delivery 1-2 business days
- Treatment using effective micro-organisms
For cleaning and treating fur and paws. Particularly effective against itching, irritation and insect infestations.
The effective microorganisms in Pro Fur Care get rid of problem germs and ensure a positive, natural environment. They occupy all services, leaving no space for bad germs. Pro Fur Care can also be used to clean scratching posts, cages, comforters, blankets and other pet accessories.
- Suitable for sensitive pets
- 100 % natural ingredients
- Free from artificial colourings, attractants, aromas, preservatives, alcohol and formaldehyde
Spray the undiluted product onto the fur and rub in by hand. Contact with human skin is harmless, just as is Pro Fur Care when licked off by dogs and cats.
Pro Fur Care can also be used (ratio 1:10) to bathe dogs and cats.
Organic sugar cane molasses*), fermented herbal extract*), various strains of effective micro-organisms
*) product of organic farming
Best before
Once the bottle has been opened, use within six months.
Where the odour changes drastically, do not continue usage. Pro Fur Care has a sweet-sour odour.
White fur can - due to minimal parts of sugar-cane molasses in the product - turn slightly yellowish. This is completely harmless.
Store in a cool and dark location. Not intended for consumption, store out of the reach of children. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.
Our company (Provital GmbH) is certified organic by BCS Öko Garantie GmbH (DE-ÖKO-001) and certified by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH according to ISO-9001.
Product information
500 ml
Bio-Zuckerrohrmelasse*), fermentierter Pflegekräuterextrakt*), verschiedene Stämme von effektiven Mikroorganismen
*) aus kontrolliertem biologischen Anbau
Feeding recommendation
Unverdünnt auf das Fell sprühen oder mit der Hand einmassieren. Der Kontakt mit der menschlichen Haut ist unbedenklich, genauso wie das Abschlecken der PRO-Fellpflege durch Hunde und Katzen.
PRO-Fellpflege kann auch als Zusatz im Bad (Mischung 1:10) für Hunde und Katzen verwendet werden.
500 ml
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