Fur care (Fellpflege) 500ml (1 Piece)

Fur care (Fellpflege)

Treatment using effective micro-organisms 4 Testimonials
The effective microorganisms in Pro Fur Care get rid of problem germs and ensure a positive, natural environment. They occupy all services, leaving no... read more
1 Piece, 500ml
8.99 €
€ 17.98/l
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process
Fur care (Fellpflege) 500ml (1 Piece)
Fur care (Fellpflege) 500ml (1 Piece)
Fur care (Fellpflege) 500ml (1 Piece)
Fur care (Fellpflege) 500ml (1 Piece)
Fur care (Fellpflege) 500ml (1 Piece)
Fur care (Fellpflege) 500ml (1 Piece)

For cleaning and treating fur and paws. Particularly effective against itching, irritation and insect infestations.


The effective microorganisms in Pro Fur Care get rid of problem germs and ensure a positive, natural environment. They occupy all services, leaving no space for bad germs. Pro Fur Care can also be used to clean scratching posts, cages, comforters, blankets and other pet accessories.

  • Suitable for sensitive pets
  • 100 % natural ingredients
  • Free from artificial colourings, attractants, aromas, preservatives, alcohol and formaldehyde


Spray the undiluted product onto the fur and rub in by hand. Contact with human skin is harmless, just as is Pro Fur Care when licked off by dogs and cats.

Pro Fur Care can also be used (ratio 1:10) to bathe dogs and cats.


Organic sugar cane molasses*), fermented herbal extract*), various strains of effective micro-organisms

*) product of organic farming


Best before

Once the bottle has been opened, use within six months.

Where the odour changes drastically, do not continue usage. Pro Fur Care has a sweet-sour odour.


White fur can - due to minimal parts of sugar-cane molasses in the product - turn slightly yellowish. This is completely harmless.

Store in a cool and dark location. Not intended for consumption, store out of the reach of children. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.


Our company (Provital GmbH) is certified organic by BCS Öko Garantie GmbH (DE-ÖKO-001) and certified by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH according to ISO-9001.

Product information

500 ml


Bio-Zuckerrohrmelasse*), fermentierter Pflegekräuterextrakt*), verschiedene Stämme von effektiven Mikroorganismen

*) aus kontrolliertem biologischen Anbau

Feeding recommendation

Unverdünnt auf das Fell sprühen oder mit der Hand einmassieren. Der Kontakt mit der menschlichen Haut ist unbedenklich, genauso wie das Abschlecken der PRO-Fellpflege durch Hunde und Katzen.

PRO-Fellpflege kann auch als Zusatz im Bad (Mischung 1:10) für Hunde und Katzen verwendet werden.


500 ml

What our customers say

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Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Ich habe 2 Miezen, einen Kater und eine Katze. Beide bekommen nur das Beste vom Besten. Dachte ich. Meine Kleine litt unter dauerndem Erbrechen und Durchfall, wollte nicht wachsen, das Deckhaar war struppig und kaum vorhanden. Ich probierte es mit Hühnerherzen, Fisch, Rindfleisch. Das Problem ist nur die Haltbarkeit. Onkel Google hat mir dann Anifit vorgeschlagen. Habe das Probier Paket getestet und wie durch Zauberhand gibt es weder Durchfall noch Erbrechen. Das Fell beginnt auch vorsichtig ric... Ich habe 2 Miezen, einen Kater und eine Katze. Beide bekommen nur das Beste vom Besten. Dachte ich. Meine Kleine litt unter dauerndem Erbrechen und Durchfall, wollte nicht wachsen, das Deckhaar war st... Read review Amy (joint problems) Dear Anifit team, It's time for me to say something positive about ANIfit products. As soon as I open the product packaging, i.e. the tin can, I get a pleasant smell. Even the appearance of the various food products does NOT make me shudder. I can feed my dog ladies, Cleo and Amy, French Bullies aged 1 1/2 and 11, the SAME product. It is suitable for senior and young active dogs. Counting calories is taboo AND the older dog's stomach problems are also greatly reduced. The Gelenkfit tablet a... Dear Anifit team, It's time for me to say something positive about ANIfit products. As soon as I open the product packaging, i.e. the tin can, I get a pleasant smell. Even the appearance of the var... Read review Finally carefree jumping thanks to power gut I had big problems with my 5-month-old shelter dog. The endless visits to the vet for diarrhoea didn't help, he recommended dry food for sensitive dogs, it went well for a few weeks, but nothing would get to her and then the diarrhoea started again, she was limp and listless, I was at a loss! Then I met Andrea Hermann (nutritionist) who listened to me intensively, she recommended Anifit and intestinal build-up and finally things started to improve for her. She was very happy when she was fed, re... I had big problems with my 5-month-old shelter dog. The endless visits to the vet for diarrhoea didn't help, he recommended dry food for sensitive dogs, it went well for a few weeks, but nothing would... Read review We will definitely be reordering I have tried the Pro coat care product. We have 2 indoor cats but they can also go outside. One cat has a constant nervous twitching, fleas and vermin excluded. The other always has a spot on her back at the base of her tail where she loses hair. That's why I tried grooming. They both take it really well, which is not the case at all. The twitching has already improved. With the other cat it takes a little longer but she no longer scratches so much. It will take some time but so far we are very ... I have tried the Pro coat care product. We have 2 indoor cats but they can also go outside. One cat has a constant nervous twitching, fleas and vermin excluded. The other always has a spot on her back... Read review

Fur care (Fellpflege)

Treatment using effective micro-organisms 4 Testimonials
1 Piece, 500ml
8.99 €
€ 17.98/l
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process



10% Neukundenrabatt

Code: 43620831
