Duck breast (Entenbrust) 35g (1 Piece)

Duck breast (Entenbrust)

Freeze-dried meat chunks 2 Testimonials
Thanks to our special freeze-drying technology, the flavour, aroma and nutrients are optimally preserved. Our especially gentle processing yields a sn... read more
1 Piece, 35g
8.15 €
€ 232.86/kg
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process
Duck breast (Entenbrust) 35g (1 Piece)
Duck breast (Entenbrust) 35g (1 Piece)
Duck breast (Entenbrust) 35g (1 Piece)

Super treat with an intense aroma, maximum taste, long shelf life and many nutrients.


Thanks to our special freeze-drying technology, the flavour, aroma and nutrients are optimally preserved. Our especially gentle processing yields a snack treat with a long shelf-life, perfect for travelling, training and daily rewards.

Our protein-rich treats allow the body to build and/or gain muscles and also promote healthy bones.

Special features

  • Preservative free
  • Additive free
  • 100% natural
  • Gluten-free
  • The meat is neither irradiated nor treated with chlorine



Duck breast

Ingredient profile

49 % raw protein, 49 % fat content, 0 % raw fibre, 3 % crude ash, 0 % NfE (~carbohydrates)

Feeding recommendation

Feed as a treat as needed.


Food supplement for dogs and cats
35 g pouch
Weight before freeze-drying: approx. 140g

What our customers say

Jede Verbraucherbewertung wird vor ihrer Veröffentlichung auf ihre Echtheit überprüft, sodass sichergestellt ist, dass die  Bewertungen nur von Verbrauchern stammen, die die bewerteten Produkte auch tatsächlich erworben/genutzt haben. Die Überprüfung geschieht durch Abgleich der Kundendaten mit den bei uns getätigten Bestellungen. Bewertungen von nicht zugeordneten Personen werden nicht veröffentlicht.

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Duck breast (Entenbrust)

Freeze-dried meat chunks 2 Testimonials
1 Piece, 35g
8.15 €
€ 232.86/kg
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process



10% Neukundenrabatt

Code: 43620831
