
Joint fitness for masters and mistresses too?





Dear Anifitteam,

I would like to thank you very much for the advice about the ANIfit joint pills.

It actually helps.

From Sept - Dec 13 I had so much pain in my left knee that I could no longer move it. I could only walk with my knee bent and could no longer walk up the stairs. After the MRI and physiotherapists, several orthopaedists advised me to have an operation and not to wait too long (endoscopy). If I waited too long, the knee could become stiff, one therapist told me from his own experience.

I made an appointment for January 14 at Neuwerker KH, which specialises in this.

I read the documents and was dreading this supposedly harmless procedure, because a lot could go wrong.

I explained my concerns to you when I ordered food for my cat "Samson". They gave me the tip to try the Anifit tablets for cats and dogs mentioned above. You have to suck them every now and then. Your husband could use them to help himself.

I ordered them. I thought they wouldn't help at all and certainly not in the short time until the operation.

I sucked 3 tablets on the first day and the pain eased a little. I didn't notice it at first and continued to walk in a gentle posture. A few days later I realised that the pain was already relieved. I took 3 tablets for another week and was able to walk up the stairs again unusually well. I took at least 1 tablet every day until the operation date. I have to admit that I don't take tablets regularly because I keep forgetting them, but I was able to cancel the appointment in January 14. I took 1 tablet from time to time and forgot about it during the year. In spring 15 I got the same pain in my right knee. I went to another orthopaedist. He also did 1 MRI and said that only surgery would help.

I remembered the tablets again and thought, let's see if they also improve the condition of my right knee or if it was a coincidence. I ordered another 1 tin of Gelenkfit from Anifit and quickly started taking 3 tablets a day again. The pain also went away quickly. I was also able to do without the 2nd operation. The orthopaedist couldn't believe that a product made from New Zealand green-lipped mussels could help so well.

I don't actually want to, as I am vegan. My naturopath, who is also vegan, was able to prove the effectiveness of this mussel for joint pain and nevertheless encouraged me to take it regularly and over a longer period of time (approx. ½ year). I have now been taking one tablet a day for 5 months. Sometimes I notice something in my left or right knee, but I can jog a few hundred metres at a time with the shelter dogs again. However, the bigger problem is that I no longer have any stamina. I'm going uphill again.

Kind regards and many thanks
Mrs Heynert

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