
The wet food is a big hit!

Hello dear Provital team,

We have 7 cats, 6 of which are enthusiastic Anifit eaters :)

All 6 of them really like the wet food, but 3 of our cats particularly love the freeze-dried chicken hearts. They naturally ate the deer treats with thanks straight away.

My little Maxi (loves the wet food, especially the varieties with fish) and the tomcats Zois, Apollon and Roco are testing the Hirsch. Felina and Orpheus also like the wet food. Only our senior of 15 years just didn't want to change her habits.

Here is our rating:

Anifit tastes good to my cats and is also healthy! The wet food and the freeze-dried treats (chicken hearts, venison) are a big hit!

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10% Neukundenrabatt

Code: 43620831
